Friday, 7 January 2011

Heroes of Might & Magic is back for a new installment

I first considered the title "Time for some more heroing" for this post, but quickly decided against it when "heroing" turned out to look a lot more like "heroin" when spelled out than it had done in my head.

Screenshot taken from the official game website.
Anyway, I absolutely fell in love with Heroes of Might and Magic II in it's prime. It was the first in the series I tried and I have since played and enjoyed them all, including the original King's Bounty. It's a fantastic game concept in my opinion, and it was quite a while since I was so excited about a piece of game news as when I today aimlessly surfed the web for gaming goodies and came upon; Might and Magic VI: Heroes. Supposedly planned for release in 2011, this was something I had completely missed.

The graphics are redone but markedly reminiscent of the fifth game in the series. There seems to be some changes to the gameplay as well, as is expected. Judging from the screenshots the types of resources available are fewer and so far only three different factions are presented on the game webpage (which doesn't exclude the possibility that more will be presented at a later stage, of course). The current presented factions are Haven, Necropolis and Inferno. If this results in the absence of the, to me somewhat iconic, Black Dragons and Titans remains to be seen.

Many great games are planned for release this year, Dragon Age 2 and Diablo 3 just to name two of the huge ones. With this in the mix as well, 2011 is looking like a really superb gaming year. Good kick-off for the new decade I'd say!

All the best

EDIT: After some deep delving into the website news it seems that the Orcs will be featured as a faction as well.

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